It will be the first time I’ve ridden
a bike in years. I actually can’t remember the last time I rode one, and feel
both dubious and nervous about starting again. It’s a whim – my Dad is a keen
road cyclist and my sister often goes out with him for hours at a time,
exploring the miles of quiet country roads that surround us here in Mid Wales.
I have also started writing a blog for Red Kite Events, a company that runs MTB
and sportive events. It’s got me a little bit more interested than I used to be
and I feel like I should go out on a bike just once to see what all the fuss is
Dad has chosen a short (very short!)
route for us – an out and back 5 miler from home, going a little way out across
the Epynt. He’s put my bike saddle up and done something to the gears
apparently, I’m not sure what and it makes little difference to me since I
don’t understand it anyway. He explains everything he’s done to me and it goes
in one unknowledgeable ear and out the other in seconds.

We hit uphill straight away because
the track to our house is on a hill. I hate it already, struggling up the
slope, progress slow. It feels like it takes forever to get to the road, but I
am triumphant when I reach tarmac – I haven’t gotten off to push my bike once
(a big achievement for someone who’s not ridden one for years, let alone up a
hill!) and made it all under my own pedal power. I take a gulp of water and
catch my breath.
All you experienced bikers reading
this are probably laughing by now, the track was only three quarters of a mile
and I’m acting like I’ve cycled 50 all uphill miles. But it felt like I’d
passed some sort of test, that first hill, and I carry on along the (flatter)
road feeling elated.
The route is fairly flat and very
familiar from my thousands of car journeys to and from home over the years. You
don’t notice the lumps and bumps or the camber of the road when you’re driving
though, and I’m surprised to realise that the ‘flat’ road is actually gently
sloping downhill. I pedal along, enjoying the slight breeze.
I hadn’t really thought about it
before, but it is obvious to me now that cycling opens up a world of
opportunities – so much quicker than walking and so much more quiet and calm than
driving. You can breathe and take the scenery in. I’m still wobbly though, and
find that staring straight ahead is my best bet for the time being!
We reach the point where we turn back
quicker than I expected we would. I feel like I could go loads further. Once
you settle into a rhythm, even hills aren’t that bad. There is one ‘big’ hill
on the way home to tackle. I catch Dad up and manage to overtake him, which I
think takes him by surprise. We laugh and then he zooms down the other side and
out of sight. I go more slowly, not yet confident enough to take my hands off
the brakes and freewheel it.
The whole ride takes us no more than
half an hour to 45 minutes and I arrive home feeling pleased with myself. I’ve
managed to tackle hills I had been looking at before the ride and dreading. I
feel okay, although I have muscles in my legs that I didn’t know existed before
and my bum is a bit sore. And most of all, to my greatest surprise, I realise I
actually enjoyed myself!
It takes me a week to email Dad and
suggest we go on another bike ride. This time, we do a circular route. It is
muggy and after work, so I’m tired and not feeling one hundred percent. I
almost ring to cancel, but then tell myself that exercise is supposed to help
and make myself drive home.

The downhill is long and flowing,
beautifully smooth tarmac. I even get up enough guts to take my hands off the
brakes and freewheel it down to the bottom. My fingers hover nervously over the
brakes but the feel of the wind rushing past me is exhilarating. I barely pedal
for the next five minutes.
I make it to the top of the last
uphill again without stopping, keeping a slow and steady pace. I’m elated and
have a private celebratory fist pump into the air. Dad is way ahead again,
cycling homewards. I amble along, enjoying myself. He waits at the top of our
drive for me and we head down towards the house together.
I’m sore again, but less so than last
time. And what is more, I definitely want to go cycling
again! And for longer… Maybe I’ll push for a 10 miler next time? Who knows. All
I can say is that I have definitely been bitten by the cycling bug. Maybe I’ll
even take part in one of Red Kite Events sportives in the future? Or am I being
a little over-ambitious after just two short rides… Only time will tell!
Apologies for the lack of pictures of me on a bike - once I'm on I generally just want to keep going!! The few that have been posted are of the scenery in our wonderful corner of Mid Wales, that can all be viewed from the saddle of a bike, whatever experience you have!!
From top to bottom:
View across Llyn Brianne Reservoir.
View across the Cambrian's from the Epynt viewpoint, on the B4519 between Garth and Upper Chapel.
View across the top of the Cambrian Mountains (one for you mountain bikers), up above Coed Trallwm.
View across the Epynt, taken along the back road between Cynala and Tirabad.
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